6 Reviews liked by Feripe

Jogo completamente maravilhoso, mesmo demorando para realmente começar a ter uma trama muito envolvente todos os outros aspectos te prendem muito até esse momento chegar. Reta final é puro cinema. Todos temos visões diferentes de como o mundo é, podemos nos cegar da realidade mas ela continua sendo o que é, algo real e concreto, fugir de nossos problemas pode aliviar a dor, mas não podemos mudar o passado, temos que encarar as nossas dores e supera-las

The path of the sword is a path that can only lead to a bloodbath, following it in a time of peace cannot have a happy ending.

The game, in a first run, seems a little unfinished, many characters have little participation, or seem to have their texts abruptly cut, and that's what happens. Its true content is found in NG+

Here we have a lot more content from the masters, especially since the game has 2 versions of the same ending depending on your choices. It's in these moments that we have the most emotional charge in the entire game, on the one hand it's great to have that charge, but it's a little sad to be tied to something after the end of the game

Now speaking of a more general plan of the story, it is sensational, especially in my opinion due to the dynamics of the masters and servants, each pair has a unique dynamic that brings a new vision to the other, which leaves the entire cast passionate and keeps you hooked for find out even more about them

Iori's true desires, how far Zheng is willing to go to save his people, what Chiemon seeks in his revenge, the path to peace that Shousetsu seeks and Dayu's freedom. His servants are really his ideal partners because of these points. Whether acting as their opposites or similar, each complements the other.

This is a story about our desires, about the path we will take to achieve them, a tale of men and ogres, about how not every light we follow is as warm as the sun. We make our own destiny, and in the end we will judge who we are, men, or ogres.

Fate/Samurai Remnant is overall a very great game with a couple of pretty glaring flaws.

The story of this game was a very fun return to the "proper" Holy Grail War format that the franchise had not really used (Excluding FGO's Paper Moon chapter from earlier in the year) in ages. The way the game splits into a couple of different “routes” near the end also felt very reminiscent of Stay Night which was the best thing it could have been. Some parts of the story were unfortunately seemingly left open for DLC, but the package that's there is easily compelling enough to play the game without waiting for those.

The characters are all really great. Iori and Saber are just an incredibly charismatic duo to follow through the game and the way the NG+ exclusive ending caps off their story felt very cathartic. All of the other masters were also very endearing and I’m glad the game managed to show their side as well.

My biggest issue with the game though is its gameplay. The boss “break bars” are far too annoying to deal with and every single fight feels like a drag. The normal enemies and the more “musoulike” gameplay was very fun but most story bosses lost some of their oomph due to the super long time to beat them. It also did not help that the game required another playthrough to reach the 2 endings you didn't achieve on your first playthrough.

It was just over a month and a half reading what would become my favorite work, the experience that shocked and moved me the most, at the same time it made me tremble with euphoria at certain moments, it made me cry like a lunatic or enter in complete despair in others. Here's the most important message possible for my current moment, this was literally all I needed right now and it was conveyed in the best way possible.
Just thank you Takashi Masada from the bottom of my heart.

Tsukihime realmente é algo...wow, apenas uma rota foi suficiente para entrar no meu top obras da vida, por certas circunstâncias não posso jogar por enquanto, maaaas vou retomar assim que puder, eu realmente não consigo falar sobre isso direito porque me faltam palavras, apenas: Leiam Tsukihime, o mais rápido possível