5 Reviews liked by Firegio99

Ngl I put less than an hour into this one, but that was enough to turn me off it. Combat straight away felt awful, the camera is so pulled back you can barely see anything, the aiming system felt janky. Obviously designed to be a PC game, would be a lot easier with a mouse to aim.

As a family, fight the tide of change, face the morality of man, and cope with the inevitability of death, all while rootin' tootin' and cowboy shootin'.

Unfortunately have not finished this one yet. I dropped it months and months ago, and I haven't felt like playing since. I think it's pretty universally agreed that this is one of the greatest games of all time. The sheer amount of detail and work that must've went into this title is..staggering. I loved everything about it, and I hope I get that urge to play again. Even if I was spoiled on the ending.
Fuck you if you spoil games. >:(

Must play. Let Arthur take your munneh.

Harness lightning and slaughter your way to dismantling the vampire agenda!

This game fucks. Like it fucks hard. The amount of raw power and masculinity pouring out of this title is staggeringly intoxicating. This is the kind of video game that fucks your mom, and makes you say thank you afterwards. ..before fucking you next. It's..extremely tough to describe, but I'll try to pair a few games that would mash into this one. God of War 2018 + Doom 2016 + Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. That sounds about right I think, and at the very least it seems quite inspired by those at points. Let's dive into the trenches here.

The way the levels work is very simple, but with a liiittttle bit of branching off at points. It reminds me of God of War 2018 in that the levels are quite linear, but there's some offshoots of the main path that have some bonus stuff for you. No sidequests or anything like that, just the classic "Go this way, but if you walk 15 steps that way first and break a barrier down, you'll find some extra loot". Even the environment traversal is very new God of War, with the specific action spots (cross gap here, climb this chain, push this thing) making an appearance. Worked fine for me, but I could see how some people might find it..unrewarding. Especially when you go out of your way just for 17 cents and a punch in the dick. I also thought the level design itself was..fine. In that same vein, the environments were cool at points, and boring at others. Nothing too crazy there to talk about.

Onto the story, it waasss..about what you'd expect from a vampire vs. cowboys narrative centered on late 1800s America. Angry guy who is super tough and always has a cheesy 1-liner at the ready has daddy issues, and the vampires are doin' evil stuff that has to be stopped. Also there's a sidekick who isn't as good as the main character, but is equally tough and cheesy, and probably also had daddy issues. There's various bits of lore you can collect to flesh things out a little bit, but not enough to make you interested in the world or anything. The weird B-Movie feeling story is just a backdrop to the core gameplay, afterall. And the core gameplay, ohhh man.

This is the part that fucks you and your mom. The penis, if you will. Embodying this badass Van Helsing-esque motherfucker is just the coolest shit ever to me. Like. Lever action rifle, revolver, some other goodies I won't spoil, and a massive fuck-off vampire killing fist that is charged with electricity? So goddamn awesome. To talk about the actual gameplay though, all of the guns for the most part work off of recharging ammo bars. This was an interesting take on ammo, and made all the weapons feel more like abilities than actual guns. Like imagine if Doom Eternal had recharging bars for every gun instead of set ammo. There's also steady progression for weapons and other abilities you can do, which are all equally as fucking awesome as the idea of beating the shit out of vampires with your bare hands was. One such early skill, the cannonball, might be one of my favorite abilities in gaming. Massive uppercut->Jump up to enemy->Punch into ground. I couldn't do that ability justice with words even if I wanted to. And I do want to. I just can't.

Expanding on the gameplay, there were a couple negatives I've got. Unfortunately. At times, the enemy density is absolutely suffocating. Especially towards the end of the game, they just start throwing several minibosses at you at once, and occasionally multiple waves. A couple times I found myself COD-Zombies training in fucking circles because I was being torn apart by vampires and dickheads on gatling guns at the same time. There is a parry and a projectile block ability, but for some really dumbass reason, you can't use it on shockwave attacks or bullets. Which means all those minibosses spamming shockwaves at you- can't be perfect blocked. Which is stupid as fuck. They also throw a lot of projectile enemies at you in general, which are never fun to deal with. Several encounters will start with you sprinting to the backline of the enemy to try and kill the ranged ones, while the other vampires beat the hell out of you. Final note, bullets do negligible damage for some reason, and it sucks. I originally wanted to build the character around just shooting, but there isn't really a good way to do that with how low the bullet damage is. Guns are usually situational tools to dissuade an enemy from doing something (except the shotgun, oh my god the damage).

I think that's about all I've got to say? I had a blast playing this, but I fucking LOVE cowboys and all that jazz. Not super into vampire stuff, but eh. This game still kicked ass imo. With more time, maybe a bigger budget, and not being developed at the same time as 2 other games planned to release in the same calendar year from the studio, I really think this could've been something excellent. Something everybody would've been talking about. Unfortunate then, that it seems to have flown under the radar. It's worth playing though.

Fantastic game to pick up on sale, worth it for fans of what's on offer! Watch some gameplay!



Peak. Could say a lot about it but just play it for yourself

What a power move by this developer to attach lots of easy, shiny achievements to their educational video game about bees, thus enticing gamerscore-obsessed gamers to play something where every loading screen has a Fun Fact About The Honeybee.

No, I'm not telling on myself here. I played this the moment a friend told me that it was a cute nature game instead of a funny meme game. Is it low-budget and aimed at kids? Yes. Did it also make me a bit teary-eyed over the plight of bees? Also yes.