Oninaki 2019

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 9, 2021

Platforms Played


Oninaki is an ARPG from the RPG factory, their third game and the first ARPG. When I first heard about the plot I was quite intrigued, the theme seemed interesting and the two previous had already shown promise... however, while the plot is still interesting, there's something in it that I quite cannot put my finger on that makes me not excited about, it's just not well presented in a way. There are characters whose story seems mostly unrelated to the game but you can unlock clips of the stories in the skill tree. The battle system is super boring altogether, and after finishing the game I still don't know how half the game mechanics are supposed to work, like shields and stuff. The battles are mostly buttonsmash anyways, and way too long, it is more like samurai warriors than secret of mana. The movement is super jerky, most moves have seconds of delay and framerate drops regularly to make it even more difficult. The graphics are abysmal, the colour palette is muted browns 90 % of the game, it's like someone's taken angry video game nerd's diarrhoea palette and actually thought it'd be a good idea. The music is decent, but the sound effects drown it and are annoying. In summary the game isn't like bad bad it's just meh, and I too regret wasting my time with it.