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Going from an air focused approach to a gravity approach comes Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.

Zero Gravity can be said to be more a simplified Riders 1 by its toning down of the previous game's mechanics and easy to understand new gravity gimmicks (also helps it has a detailed tutorial, thank god). Is it still a good time? Hell yeah.

The gameplay, rather than aiming to enhance on what Riders 1 did, instead aims towards gameplay surrounding the gravity gimmick, and as such has a lot more distinct playing experience from riders 1. While riders 1 gives you a lot of freedom with its air and trick mechanics, ZG is more automated with a bigger emphasis on timing and quick thinking, I would argue. It also has a slower pace going for it (with the gravity gimmicks literally putting you in slow motion for a split second before boosting you off). I feel like for the above reasons there's also a heavier focus on memorizing stage layout to better utilize them.

The story is a little more serious this time with a heavier focus on the babylonians' history this time; the characters are back again, expressive as usual (although a smidge bit less than riders 1 to fit with ZG's tone) and an interesting story, although I do wish there was focus on the characters' rivalries again (besides sonic and jet of course). That said, it's a good time.

The style and vibes are IMMACULATE: ZG has a far more apparent futuristic techno aesthetic, from the menus to the settings to the gears and its all done super well, and its music and sound design is so great and aaa a a aa a I vibe with it so hard.

The main complaints with this game really come down to its gameplay when compared to Riders 1, but even then I'm unsure if I necessarily dislike it more. Both take on a different approach to racing that I just have to switch my mindset depending on which one I'm playing, and I can enjoy both thoroughly. That said, I'm still bummed about some of the changes: air boosting is entirely gone which makes attempts a catch up a little more hard, tricks are automated so you entirely have to rely on jump timing to get good trick scores, e.t.c. e.t.c. ; to put it short, ZG feels more restricted than Riders 1 and while that seemed to be the intention its not one I particularly like.

Regardless, I do think overall ZG's a good fun time :) I'll definitely be replaying it from time to time.