66 Reviews liked by Folgin

Liked this a great deal more than Resident Evil 4, which is (or at least at one point was) the consensus high point of the series. Good mishmash of genres here - all first-person, but a mix of jump scare horror, classic stealth survival, and escape room puzzle solving. The sum of the parts feel greater than the whole to me, and I'll remember so many moments in this game while probably forgetting all about the story, which took a few unsatisfying turns I saw coming and a few I did not.

When you go from 2D to 3D and you want to go back as fast as possible

So since it's Valentine's Day and I have nothing better to do, I am going to write a review for Huniepop, which I just finished earlier today.
Overall it's a pretty fun game, with puzzles that get more challenging with each date (regardless of which order you do them in, for instance you can have maxed out one girl but the first date for another will still be harder). These puzzles feel very reminiscent of mobile games like Candy Crush, but since I haven't played those I'm not sure how similar it is. This could very well be another Puyo Puyo/Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine situation where it's copy & pasted from another game, and I wouldn't know. I can say however that my experience with these mechanics was pretty enjoyable.
I liked how you could invest in certain stats to make the puzzles easier by spending time with a girl. This visual novel side of the game certainly has its charm, but wears thin pretty quickly. After your initial introductions it ultimately amounts to asking questions about them, remembering what you've already asked, and remembering the answers to those questions (aka checking her profile every time you talk to her) and eventually you will reach the point where you're just doing it for the resources so you can make your next puzzle easier.
Speaking of resources, there are also date gifts that you can receive from giving the right items to a girl. What you receive, however, is completely random. I kinda hated that because there was a specific one I started to really want towards the end but could never seem to get. What these do is very important though, as they're arguably more useful than the stats you level up. You can have up to six with you on any given date, and they let you manipulate the board in a number of ways, like turning one type of token into another, giving you more moves, making a certain type appear more often, etc. These are great, but I wish there was a way you could choose which ones you wanted to buy instead of having them be random, especially when you have a limited inventory meaning that you can receive date gifts you've already thrown out to make room for items you'll actually use.
It probably goes without saying but this game is best enjoyed if you're in a horny mood already. Going through and maxing out some of the girls I wasn't as interested in was probably the most boring this game got for me, so try not to let it feel like a chore. Just go in with the right mood and a lighthearted mindset to best enjoy the often silly dialogue, the puzzles, and most importantly your "prize" for completing them.

beating this on wii was genuinely one of the most difficult things i have ever done in a video game

69th game finished for this year!

1 star only for the Orlog dice game
Sigh... so where do I even begin. I'll be honest I thought this would be the first mainline Assassin's Creed game that I wouldn't be able to finish. As a huge fan of AC, heck I loved the hell out of Odyssey, I really wanted to like this game. And also my love surprised me with this game. Shout out to you my happy pill. Anyways. I tried, but really... Aside from the obvious setting and some quality of life improvements this is basically the same game since Origins. And Origins came out in 2017. We've all been playing the same game for the last 3 years. Valhalla was just too bloated and it dragged on. Bigger is not always better. I don't want a large world, I want a meaningful one. Bummer too because the settlement aspect I thought would harken back to AC Brotherhood but nope. It was just a let down

And also. Bring back the berserk darts!

Black sheep of the Xenoblade series and definetly of lesser quality than the other entries. I really don't know why they'd try and make it like an MMO and then only have two actual major raid bosses. The story is serviceable with a lot of science fiction ideas being thrown around but rarely anything of substance. The game may have my favorite world and monster designs in the series though and I certainly hope they don't go to waste.