September, 2023

0h 22m

Got an SC on Giga Difficult.



0h 56m


Played a bit. Got PB on probably everything except those long boring arcade runs. I probably was a better player while playing Piano Tiles 2 though.



9h 29m

Got some more simple achievements out of some DLCs, including a bit of grind. The hardest thing I did on here was clearing one of those Portable 3 special missions where you have to use a special UI and doing a max combo on one of those songs. Rough stuff, needed 6k mastery.
Freestyle combo: ~380k
(4h 15m)
More playing. I got 116 out of 215 achievements. 25 are currently unobtainable cuz I don't own their DLCs, but I think I got every "free" achievement. It's multiplayer, grind or tough challenge now.
freestyle combo: ~500k

5h 50m

Played a lot of V extension 3 and Technica Tune+Q, I think I got the most difficults achievements out of them including that TB mission. Missing some grind tho.
(2h 44m)
Started some more gaming. All V extension 3 tracks, then some V extension 2 achievements.
Freestyle combo: ~283k


4h 0m

Was grinding the trilogy pack S ranks + max combo, then got tired, switched to 4k and started to do the easiest achievements in most DLCs I own.

Freestyle combo: ~190k


3h 2m

Started with the trilogy DLC, played around an hour of open match with a pal, etc. Lot of this was 8K practice, which clamps my hands but it's necessary.

0h 33m



The Kashimo skin grabbed my attention but I just wasn't interested enough in the gameplay to stay with this.

Started / Finished

3h 21m

Some more playing! Mostly on the V extension, increasing my freestyle max combo (now should be around 80k). and practicing 6B/8B. Already got a max combo with 7* there.
(Reminder: the difficulty scale here is different than in mania)



0h 30m


Wanted to claim codes, intro is too long.


9h 3m


Played over the course of night, sleep, then afternoon. Really fun! Main feats involved:
- Getting everything Air related out of the way
- Hidden BGAs, some tiny freeplay misc achievements like the 777 combo
- A LOT of experimenting with note and set skins
- Spending 3-4 hours on the ladder rank, almost instantly getting silver then quickly being pounded by random players because I was playing almost very chart blindly until I finally got a decent streak to reach gold 4. Not touching ladder match again except for prelims
- Spending around 2 hours in open match with someone who wanted to play with me and was also way more skilled (we had a server in common but that's about it)

Freestyle max combo: ~20k



2h 53m



1CC'ed both Extra stages on Extra difficulty. (2h 47m)
+ etc

Started / Finished

0h 39m

Played Giga a bit more, got S completion D finesse under 1m30s.

1h 18m



Hard 1CC with boss beaten, and Extra clear with + a. A bit on the easier side, this one

Started / Finished

Started / Finished

3h 0m



Got a Hard 1CC and then an Extra clear. Tried the secret character but wasn't very interested in clearing with him.

Started / Finished


2h 23m

Backup Shift cleared with SS. And then Hideout SS as well!
That's all main levels with SS.
(Playtime so far: 18h 20m)

Then tried some of the difficults. Oh. Boy.

0h 59m

Cleared lap 1 with Ran&Chen. Now... Do I try lap 2? Or go with the other team instead?


1h 40m



Beat the game with some deaths. Re-recorded part of it because the video seriously hung up.

Started / Finished


0h 53m

Some gaming, TP grind, etc

0h 51m

Just casually playing. Reached stage 6 with the first team

1h 23m

Trying one of those levels, Backup Shift. Got SA with a stupid miss... :(

1h 23m

Trying one of those levels, Backup Shift. Got SA with a stupid miss... :(