October, 2023


0h 31m

Beat the new Soliloquy story with all chapters deathless separately. That means its achievements.



2h 40m

Team optimized as far as I can, I did one last push to earn the Hachikuji top 1 support title and I managed to secure it, 1 minute before the entire event ENDED. That was too risky, never again.

Half an hour or so was spent idling or giggling.
...what do you mean there's going to be a second part of the collab.

0h 13m

New zombie campaign done. It was first try luckily.

1h 50m

Picked up my pace and started to grind to get at least top 500 (top 100 was kinda far for my liking).

0h 15m



Score: 720400

Started / Finished


1h 38m

I think I grinded just enough diamonds to have a total combined of 100 pulls on the gacha and unlock Hachikuji, the last card I needed. I now had them all.


1h 40m

I would get Kanbaru on this day because daily logins allowed for that.

0h 2m

Just opened for the halloween challenge that I won't complete

1h 33m

I learned a pipeline to survive so I stuck to it. I never got the title of the crab sadly because I thought it would last 3 days, even if the date said otherwise.


5h 6m

Throwing a wrench in my plans, I realized the game was doing a Monogatari collab.... and I just couldn't help myself. I wanted everything I could get - so I aimed for everything, cards, items, titles.

I got Hitagi and Nadeko in the gacha. Started the grind.

0h 38m

Finished Classiquai clears. Guess I'm going to back to fully practice 8B now, since the only requeriment for the song grinds is usually S ranks or simple clears.

4h 26m

Apparently there was a boost bonus on the event pass so I grinded it, and with it all S ranks on the technika songs and black square. Was almost done with Classiquai as well.
But the most important thing is that the freestyle combo is done, got more than 999999!


2h 17m


Blank SS gotten.
That's all songs SS.


1h 33m

Blank SS practice. Had to switch to a controller for hexagon sections. Then ANOTHER controller because the first one had a bad stick with bad diagonals.

0h 30m

Gauntlet cleared on Divine. With one continue because I don't practice the final boss.

4h 32m

Blood Reborn OL SS gotten.
All the remaining time was spent grinding Quantum Realm OL SS. Got a high PB and, separately, said SS.

2h 25m

Get the switch OL SS gotten.
(1h 20m)
Now Blood Reborn is on my aimsights.