The first hour of this game is the most agonizing hour of your life. Then you get a charge upgrade and your brain adjusts to the horrible jittery scrolling and it becomes kinda fun. The production values are about on par with a movie tie-in game of the time.

Basically a mini-game collection where you go around to different places in town and play 9 or so games until the credits roll. The games are fun, at least for the short time you'll be playing them.

A very simple shmup with 6 stages. The boss of the stage 4 is the hardest part by far for some reason. There is very little to say about this game... maybe the most interesting thing about it is that Gunpei Yokoi produced it.

Pretty fun game, I found it really hard on Normal even. It's really good at keeping things fresh between levels but it has trouble explaining what you need to do sometimes.

I really like the challenge this game provides. It can be incredibly frustrating but it forced me to learn so many intricate details about how gen 1 mechanics work that I have to admire it. This game pulls no punches. But maybe it's easier if you import your own pokemon? I just used rentals. Either way, lots of fun.