Last Epoch 2019

Log Status






Time Played

270h 0m

Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

March 16, 2024

First played

December 18, 2021

Platforms Played


Last Epoch is a shining example of the genre. Itemization and build crafting are key features for these types of games, and LE has removed most of the pain points and frustrations from those equations.

Experimenting with different skills and build ideas within the same character is encouraged and freely allowed, not penalized. Stash tab space is plentiful, not scarce or locked behind microtransactions. Loot filters, glossaries, and base type lists with implicits are all in the game itself, rather than needing wikis or third-party tools for basic functionality or information.

Then itemization and how it blends into the crafting system are second to none. By having the best stat values be drop-only and the rest of your item stats be craftable in a deterministic way, the age-old APRG question of found gear vs. crafted gear is simply: both! And it works so well. They have made finding the correct rare stat on the wrong piece of gear exciting and interesting.

Last Epoch has its downsides, from an endgame that currently lacks variety or pinnacle goals to UI and server issues, but the game does so many more things right than what I mentioned so far (including its faction system, target farming, coop implementation, etc.) that it's an easy and wholehearted recommendation to anyone interested in the genre.