While I can appreciate the aesthetic and the feeling of Web 1.0 it was trying to recreate (I myself miss Web 1.0), the game left me with a massive migraine and even crashed. I think there's a memory leak even on XBox One because everything started slowing down the longer I played.

Can't recommend, but can appreciate what it tried to do.

Absolutely in love with this game. I spent many hours on its predecessor, and I hope to do the same here. It's looking like I will.

A much more accessible, but still just as rewarding, sequel and one that comes wholly recommended.

There is a lot to learn, and the barrier of entry can be pretty steep, but those patient enough to learn its ways will be rewarded with a very unique RPG experience.

Amazing game. All four scenarios were a blast to play, and I hope to return to this game to defeat all the Scarlet Beasts and the true final boss soon.