"whack the jamook"

- voiced by james gandolfini and company. behind-the-scenes of recording sessions included as bonus content.
- Like Lost Via Domus, it's remarkable that a landmark of Golden Age Television was adapted for a game. Looking forward to THE WIRE next.
- naked chicks
- ending credits is a slideshow of TV Stills of all the main cast, it's so tonally opposite of the true series ending that it's funny.
- cheats make it easy to beat. (infinite health / ammo / respect)
- bat mitzvah

- It's not fun to play. Stiff combat.
- All the levels are smutty locations with shitty people. There's nothing appealing. Doesn't lean into the camp or goofiness like Saints Row.
- No Carmela.

It's an oddity and a relic of unnecessary PS2 licensed games. It's bad, but not "so-bad-it's-good". Just bland.

Full Playthrough
Part 1: https://youtu.be/ovm9XuJEdO0
Part 2: https://youtu.be/91C_7CT2YRU

This was rough to get through and took 2 years of stopping and starting. I adore Dead Rising 1 & 2, but this is a weird clash of western aesthetic. It's ugly as shit and it's really frustrating have to run across the big map. If there was fast travel (or anything similar to Monster Hunter's camp mechanic) this would have been easier to get through. I still appreciate Dead Rising's weird charm and Capcom easter eggs - I still finished the game, but man this was a big step down for DR 1 and 2.

I was really excited for this and bounced off after initial disappointment.

Returned to it months later and enjoyed it as a relaxing podcast game. I like the haunted Tokyo aesthetic, but it's repetitive and not scary. Once traversal opens up, it became fun gliding around the city and catching ghosts.

I wish combat was faster and that the game was gorier, it's just so tame compared to The Evil Within. Still, after 26 hours I beat it, so it kept me going to completion.