Played demo. By the way the igdb date is wrong, the demo came out on August while the full game launches in September.

There are 3 routes in the demo and you can categorize them as good, neutral, and bad respectively. Each of them is written by a different person, which fits the concept as the characters are diverse and a single person wouldn't be able to cover the spectrum of experiences necessary for a good depiction (not like it achieves this always, who the fuck says "abuela"), but it's a mess in execution as it makes the writing wholly inconsistent. I felt a huge whiplash as I went from the one I liked to the story I felt was the worst because the gap between quality was stounding (even the ost took a nosedive, for some reason!).

As a visual novel, I'm confused at its structure. What I thought was me choosing how I wanted to date was actually... who I was making decisions for. Try as you might to decipher who these characters are when your only guidelines are terrible, terrible items like "your angle AND your devil", "calling people slurs in PVP isn't very gamer of you", and "bitches say they love poetry and then go after emotionally unavailable men, sis you're worried about the wrong Dickinson!". Once chosen, you go on a date and choose some options like twice. The decisions felt very insignificant, they probably dictate the ending but they don't feel important in the moment or in retrospect, so I'm not sure why not just omit them in the first place.
Surprisingly, the dialogue itself wasn't as meme-y as the presentation let off. These is no Neon White and it's not even close. If anything, the third route you can play felt overly out of touch, with the PC only now discovering people use "we" as a singular (she is only 27). There's a huge disconnect between the presentation and marketing, of which the latter is mostly the twitter account making memes about their own game (if you check the "meme" section of their own site, there's only a single post LOL)

It's hard to parse closing thoughts on a demo, so I'll say this: its not as good as I hoped but not as bad as I thought. I'll probably check out the full release because I gravitate towards games people (losers) hate over being "SJW" like a moth to a flame. Did you know I like Steven Universe?

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2022


1 year ago

yknow i was wondering what the fuck was up with IGDB's date seeing it had no release date on steam

1 year ago

anyway who wants to have a very intelligent discussion in this comment section about Steven Universe

1 year ago

I only discovered Steven universe's full name was Steven universe because of multiversus

1 year ago

MEEEE!!!!... MEEEE!!!!!

1 year ago

tf did u think his name was

1 year ago

Ultimate Ben

1 year ago

Franz being fan of SU is absolutely Good Ending shit.