This is really fun to play with. mods included

minus the fact i had to use geforce now cause

I don't want my computer exploding. This game is pretty good. Wish Activision would step up their game

I like edgy humor

I remember people saying this game was made cause critics found Postal 1 very offensive

It's very ironic Twitter likes this when they act like offensive humor is like being satan

I got it for 12 dollars and it was fun multiplayer wise

you know a game is bad when hogwarts legacy has a better rating than you

and that game somehow wasn't that bug and glitchy

everything ea touched got bad

meh. mw4 this ain't

good idea but weak execution

It seems Infinite Warfare avoided mistakes Black Ops 3 by fixing the supply drop system

I miss when games had cheats. But this was fun to play

randy is worse than andrew willson

actually they're both bad

I am surprised to see this was on Playstation

what the hell was this game?

Is it bad I prefer Saints the Third and IV over the first two. They're good but these weee just way more fun

Treyarch. Activision

please fix the servers i can't find one also fix the black market or better yet get rid of it