I saw that meme with Sora and Woody and wanted to play this game

i still hate the ending

It's not bad. but it's bad when you realize it took them almost 13 years to answer the question

I gotta give them credit for not ending Portal 2 on a cliffhanger

I like the designs and feel of the weapons

remember when Sony had more variety in their games. I remember

How can Ubisoft get hate for bland open worlds yet Sony does the same thing and nobody panics

it's funny after a week this game came out

Nobody talks or says anything about it

sony can't ward off these walking simulator games

These are fanatstic games

and i also like the multiplayer doesn't suck

yay. sony doesn't have the good sport games now. we have them all now

a pretty mediocre game

not 2016 bad but still. also i thought ratchet was the last lombax. is he not?

I don't hate this game for being more kid friendly

the glitchs sure. but um that is dumb.

but my favorite part was when markiplier asked did they run of budget for that last ending

I wanted Nathan Drake to give me the Subway drinks and food

also great game 10/10

this feels 2005 but came out in 2011

Great. Both portal games are great. But I prefer the sequel more

I have over 100 hours and I usually just play Half life maps with mods and weapons from GMOD

You guys gotta give this game a chance.

It literally says it isn't trying to be GMOD 2. Also it's made on Source 2 which has a total of 0 games with guns in it that aren't VR