12 reviews liked by Fresidog

milk inside a nothingburger of milk

It starts with so much promise, so much atmosphere, but I kept hoping it had more to its story than what actually occurred. Overall a cute and short story.

Great presentation, but it's a bunch of nothing.

You can pinpoint the exact moment this goes from a genuinely great shitpost game to some dude's edgy touhou fanfic and that is the exact moment it becomes terrible

Was legitimately great up until the Touhou stuff took over and it started trying to come off as serious? I don't even dislike Touhou but it was a weird shift. Otherwise it's a pretty funny parody game that actually has some interesting ideas in the battle system.

so much fun and its almost insane how much is in this, spent so much time on fishing without even realizing it because it was perhaps the best fishing minigame ever. I kind of like how jarring seeing the shift to it almost being a touhou fangame too is, but i think thats also very fitting and its so funny I loved it. also liked all the random references to things i managed to spot in this. i think the only thing stopping this from being the perfect game was not having mahjong .in it.

lots of genuinely really funny stuff in here but i honestly couldn't care less about all the touhou stuff, like i was expecting it to be a one off bit but it just kept going? it's whatever though i still had a decent amount of fun with it in the end. this truly was an undertale 2

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I /REALLY/ like this game, I truly do, It's funny and it has many things to do on the way to the end of it. My only gripe was "what is the point of touhou being there?"

I think the point in having someone creating some botched undertale with help of a higher being is fun, and the fact that the touhou characters being in those places doesn't really change anything in my eyes; but my thought still stands of "why are they there in the first place?"

Self-Awareness won't save this game from being a dumpster fire. Oh yeah, it also spoils the identity of Zero Time Dilemma's main antagonist for no reason. Avoid it like the plague.

it's a very impressive production that's absolutely worth playing, but it's never particularly exceptional in narrative or gameplay systems