I just 100% the game a few days ago, Man so much missed potential..

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I ended the delta episode in the most anticlimatic way possible (I used my master ball on Deoxys lol)

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I suddenly hate the Slakoth line

With the amount of filler this game had

This was the first Pokémon game that made me cry

Goodnight sweet prince

Peak peak peak peak peak peak pea-

I have not played this in awhile

The more I think about it, the more mediocre the game is…

I give it an Average out of 10, one the Pokémon games ever

Tbh, I feel like if it weren’t for National Dex removal, i feel like this game wouldnt be as hated

Yeah this was peak, but respects to people who’s favorite genre are rougelikes, I can Totally see why you guys like this genre now!