The professional opinion of a non-professional organist

Rating: GREAT

Tracks: Stand Up Strong, A Tiny Enormous Miracle

In the massive expanse of MOTHER 3's soundtrack, there are only two pieces that utilize the pipe organ (and one of them doesn't really, but it's written and structured exactly like one so for my purposes it counts). Actually, I just ran the numbers: these two organ tracks account for exactly 1.29% of the total soundtrack. The incredible thing is that MOTHER 3's soundtrack contains some of the most intimately human and evocatively emotional music in the history of the medium - which is to say, even just 1.29% of it is still gonna be some of the best stuff around, and indeed it is. This isn't anything that will impress the way Final Fantasy VI does, or take advantage of the unique characteristics of the organ the way Breath of the Wild does, but what's here is extremely efficient, accurate, poignant, beautiful writing that more than pulls its weight in helping to shape one of the most transcendental soundtracks of all time.


1 year ago

Leaving a comment today to commemorate 100 entries. PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

1 year ago

8/26/2022 - just hit 150 entries....... PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

1 year ago

1/11/2023 - 200 entries and going strong. PIPE ORGAN LIST WILL NEVER DIE!!!

11 months ago

As a fledgling composer, fucking incredible list and the best list I've seen on this website so far. Following for this alone so I don't lose this list.

11 months ago

@Mr_SU I live to serve

10 months ago

this list fucking rules. LOVE your notes. amazing

10 months ago

@DIOXYRIBOSE thank you so much
This is it. The greatest list on all of Backloggd.

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