You Don't Know Jack 2015 - 4/5
Drawful - 5/5
Word Spud - 1/5
Lie Swatter - 2/5
Fibbage XL - 4/5

A scaled down, more focused Garry's Mod that is honestly just as, if not more, enjoyable. Tower Unite is a nice way to relax and do an insane amount of entertaining activities with friends. However, it's obviously not finished yet but I'm excited to see what continues to get added.

For something that is essentially a competent "nostalgia trip" tech demo platformer, this game shines as something incredibly special. Each step of the way I was impressed by each small way the Dualsense made every surface and interaction feel unique from each other. I could just sit and feel "the rain" tip tap for hours. And just as the game serves to highlight this exciting new technology, it also exists to respect the PlayStation hardware that has preceded it. It felt a bit weird to feel such warm nostalgic feelings for these cold, plastic products, but I couldn't suppress the smile that reached across my face each time I unlocked a new hardware model even if I tried. As someone who started playing games on the PS1, this experience was something to help me appreciate how gaming has grown and look forward to where it can go in the future.

PUBG Mobile has the same great gameplay I enjoyed when I played regular PUBG when it was the hottest thing ever. There is a game I enjoy here, but it is hidden behind an infuriating fight with touchscreen controls. No matter how much I play, I can't get used to not using tactile buttons and constantly just want to use a controller. But if you are cool with touchscreen controls, this game will be a blast.

I wanted to like this game. It has a great look and a neat, simple hook for a rogue-like. But there are too many issues for me to want to push on with it. The shooting is rather barebones and just not fun. Each ship feels a bit samey and I'm not really interested in exploring them. However, my biggest gripe is that ammo seems so scarce and you have no way to fight the enemies without bullets. With no melee attack, it just feels like I can go through a few rooms of a ship before feeling like everything is too stacked against me to continue on.