I want to be clear from the get go, this game isn't for everyone, the structure of the open world is definitely going to put people off, and the combat is very repetitive; moreover the story is definitely nothing to write home about, this is definitely a very niche title.

And I am that niche, me, this game was specifically made for me, the gameplay loop may be repetitive but I never get bored of it (I beat every single side mission before even beating the story), and I absolutely adore the open world. It seems, at a distance, like a typical ubisoft tower ordeal, but with one change, instead of just revealing the map it unlocks that section of the map entirely, meaning you have to explore every nook and cranny of Shibuya over the course of the game. On the way you'll find yourself fighting some of the best visually designed enemies in years, who are always pulling out new moves in combat, using satisfying and flashy shooter combat that's easy to pick up but really feels satisfying when mastered, you'll catch Yokai Pokémon style (Yokai watch who?) And each one is a fun little puzzle to decipher, and all the while you'll be grappling, gliding and running through a beautifully-realised vision of an apocalyptic Tokyo. Seriously every inch of this game is stunning, I'm happy to give it an art design award right now, it's easily one of the best looking games I've seen in years and the setpeieces are so surreal and creative.

The Homage to all sorts of Jhhorror throughout the game is absolutely heartwarming and whilst the game is never really scary the horror imagery throughout is palpable. It creates a wonderful atmosphere that truly realises the idea of a modern open-world horror game as explored in The Evil Within 2.

The ONLY thing holding this game back is the story, but quite honestly even in the game the story largely feels like a means to an end, getting the player into this world and into these situations.

Absolutely adored this game, and it's easily my favourite game I've played so far this year.

Tl;Dr: you go around night time Tokyo and hunt down cryptids and mythic creatures, all the while blasting monsters with flashy super powers. It's amazing.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2022

1 Comment

shit, sounds epic