Thought I'd replay this because it's been a while. Look, this game is great, easily one of the best games in a great series, however people tend to act like this game is the second coming of Christ, which is isn't by any means.

Easily one of the buggiest games in the series (and this is Bethesda), in the least interesting world of any Fallout game, and entire plot threads that are narrative dead ends, it's easier to soft lock yourself in this game than any other RPG I've played, when I first played this I hated it because I played through it twice and both times I reached the end of one of the Mr house storylines in three hours and was left with nothing exciting to do.

Where this entry excells is in the minute-to-minute writing, and in the utilisation of the RPG elements in its world and combat that heightens the experice from 3, even if 3s world is more interesting and better realised.

To reiterate, this game is great, but I always feel like the intense burning love for this game comes from the same place as something like Dark Souls 1, it's the underdog, and people like to be contrarianists.

Anyway super glad I replayed this, all the fallout games are a joy to replay, could see myself doing it again in a couple of years.

Reviewed on May 31, 2020
