For those who played Tower of Guns, you might know where are you going for by playing MOTHERGUNSHIP.

But for this one, the story and the characters are cranked up to eleven. Lots of funny conversations and jokes, tied up with a good gameplay and a nice "build your own weapon" mechanic, where your shots uses energy (you have a energy bar for each hand, try to balance the energy usage as much as possible), so you can create big-ass weapons with this.

If you want to have uncompromised fun, go with this!

Unfortunately, N64 collect-a-thons did not age well, and Yooka-Laylee is the example of it.

The game has such big levels that makes me feel discouraged to play through them, and this is really sad - if you fail a jump, you will have a boring time coming back to the platform to do that again (and failing again, as there are some jumps that are stressful).

The music and graphics are good points that must be mentioned, Grant Kirkhope as always doing a great job (David Wise appears sometimes with his masterful music too!)

And here Playtonic shows that they are able to create really good games, after the first Yooka-Laylee being a "for the fans of N64 collect-a-thons".

By adhering to 2.5D mechanic (such as DKC series), they have found their great strength - good controls, good levels, and INSANELY AMAZING MUSIC! My god, they did a wonderful job with the music on this - kudos again to David Wise/Grant Kirkhope/Matt Griffin and Dan Murdoch.

However, the game is not perfect. Some levels are kind of tiring to go through, and some difficulty spikes are unfair sometimes - the Impossible Lair is almost impossible (well, at least the name for this is OK). I shelved the game with only the last level to complete, but I've managed to complete all the other ones.

Please do give this game a try if you have an opportunity (Xbox Game Pass is a good way to play)

Well, here's a game that you need to wait for the "click" to happen.

I had to try this game at one time while almost throwing the controller out of the window as I was HATING some of the enemies and their unstoppable attacks.

I gave some time, started again, died a few times more, and then, it clicked. It became one of my Top 10 games ever.

It's simply amazing when you are toe to toe against a big boss, and then you manage to parry almost all of their attacks, riposte their thrust, and then - you remove all the poise and insta-kill the boss in a cinematic move.

Of course, this game isn't for everybody, as their difficulty continues following the company's motto. But for the ones that are ready to try, welcome to Sekiro - you'll have a nice time :)

The game is ok, has it's share of problems, but boy it's fun to see those FMV acting.

Actually, this is a good foundation to what we were going to see on Jedi Outcast and then on Jedi Academy (where the lightsaber battles are at their peak).

While still mixing the FPS shooter based on the Dark Forces 1, it makes a good introduction of lightsaber battles, being a interesting mechanic.

The story is kind of simple, but the levels are really fun to play - the first level with the lightsaber have a nice flow to the variety of stuff that you see and the level structure is really different to what we are used to see.

Graphics are simple, but there is a nice mod called Jedi Knight Remastered that brings a lot of enhancements for newer computers, along with Bloom/Gamma Correction/Ambient Occlusion.

Give it a try - it will be a fun ride, but don't expect any miracles here.

Well, the best for now is playing the waiting game on this.

Pra quem já gostava muito do Risk of Rain original, ver o jogo se tornando um TPS foi algo inesperado, mas criou uma expectativa boa.

Que felicidade foi ver que essa transição funciona mesmo. Depois de mais de 70 horas colocadas aqui, ainda tenho muito o que aprender com alguns personagens que são mais complexos, enquanto percorro todos os níveis e ao invés de ir para o chefe final, resolvo fazer mais uma run por tudo para ficar mais overpowered do que nunca.

Esse jogo também é ótimo com amigos, mas o desafio fica ainda maior para gerenciar os itens pegos e se manter vivo.

Esse é o tipo de jogo que a gente ainda vai voltar mais e mais pra fazer uma run rápida (daquelas que vira quase uma hora), então nunca vou desinstalar do PC hahaha!

Que jogo incrível - conseguiu pegar uma série que estávamos cansadíssimos, e deu uma roupagem tão refrescante e interessante que o jogo é realmente valioso de ser jogado (mesmo em dificuldades mais baixas para conhecer a história).

Não vejo hora de encostar no GoW Ragnarök e conhecer o resto da história contada na mitologia nórdica com personagens maravilhosos como o Atreus, Brok, Sindri, Freya e todo o resto!

Um ótimo jogo de ritmo, com boas músicas - claro que a maior parte fica atrás de um DLC meio carinho, porém com uma quantidade ABSURDA de música que é desbloqueada com ela - updates com novas músicas já entram aqui nessa compra também, ou seja, tirando o jogo base, essa é a única compra que você faz.

Alguns pontos positivos é o fácil ajuste para usar em ultrawide, deixando o jogo melhor ainda para controlar, e a facilidade de configurar qualquer botão do seu teclado - isso deixa jogadores de rhythm games muito felizes!

Tiro pontos também por causa do fanservice meio exagerado (skins provocativas até demais e mensagens de loading basicamente predatórios. Vamos lá, "qual a idade das garotas? Você tá perguntando coisas demais" é algo muito nojento, na moral). Meio complicado falar pra "ignorar" isso, mas a parte de JOGO do Muse Dash é boa demais...

Fiz 100% das conquistas, mas ainda tem muita música pela frente.