6 Reviews liked by GUHHUH

In 15 years those little sisters will be all grown up but they'll still be calling me big daddy.

this is not a mario party this is a mario get together at best

A little too short and not enough substance to satisfy. Hehe, that's what she said.

“I had a nightmare that i was under siege by the fighting polygon team in a time warp”

just as good the second time around. love it. no complaints. great gameplay and writing, and u can tell they really wanted to get this right. every bit as good as the original.

when i said “more games need to be narrative driven boss rush modes” this is almost exactly what i was asking for.
the gameplay and the way it controls are both so slick. it’s a very fair game, errors feels like my fault instead of the game’s which doesn’t happen a whole lot in these “hard on purpose” games
and what a pretty fuckin game just drooling over this line and color work you can really tell how much love and dedication went into this. but FUCK those run n gun levels