After constantly putting the game down since around 2015, it was kinda funny that I finally beat it on its anniversary by pure accident

used to fucking hate it now my rages gone i dont really care about it anymore riki is funny tho

nothing in this game makes any fucking sense

it's been months since I created this account and only now I remembered I played this, really shows how much I enjoyed it

Everyone says to skip this one and play the remake instead, but I tend to enjoy old games, it can't be that bad, right? Well, tried it out and seems like I was wrong, the game is really lame, where do I even start?

Story: I don't really have an opinion on it, they just throw you at the first map with pirates attacking and you go along. It's very basic but not really a big problem.

Graphics: Game looks ok overall, but those portraits... They couldn't have made it uglier.

Music: The soundtrack is mostly earrape, pretty annoying. At least the near victory theme is cool.

Gameplay: Now THIS is the bad part. First of all, you don't have a visual information of movement range. You need to know the units range and count each tile to know how far an unit can move. Or you can just keep moving the cursor until you can't move it anymore, but that won't work with the enemies.
The AI is really dumb, they always attack Marth for some reason but he's so strong it's hard for him to die.
Villages, only Marth can visit them. This seems like a dumb nitpick but it's really annoying. Normally you would send a mounted unit to rescue the villages but here you have to slowly reach it with Marth, with lots of fights in between. Pray for the enemies to not destroy the village while you're at it.
Money management straight up doesn't exist, you basically get money every chapter, lots of it. And everything is so cheap you'll never end up with money problems.
Inventory management is also pretty annoying. You can't trade items between units, what you have to do is go to the supply (which costs 10 gold for each item but as I said before you're always rich in this game), store the item and then grab the item with another unit, which slow downs the gameplay.
Talking about slow, this game is VERY slow. The units walk slowly and even if you turn off combat animations it still feels so long. Be sure to use the fast forward button if you're playing on an emulator.

Overall not worth playing, you'll probably have a better time with Mystery of the Emblem or Shadow Dragon DS.

best game ever omg literally no flaws