The game sucks, literally nothing works and all, but it was the first contact I had with Super Smash Bros, and as a child I was simply amazed by the amount of characters from different franchises mixed in one game fighting against each other, it was something very magical for me and I've never seen anything like it before, and it's funny how this game had so many third party characters, like Sonic even before he was announced in Brawl, and the game even goes further by including characters like... Naruto? Inuyasha? Sonic OCs? Mr. FUCKING INCREDIBLE? The roster is completely no sense, and I love it for that. At the end of the day, it's still Super Smash Flash 1, and I have no reason to play it now days, but this broken mess will always have a special place in my heart for bringing back so many good memories. (And also because it was the first step for Super Smash Flash 2)

Funny that of the two versions of Sonic Unleashed that I played, none of them were the HD version, I only played the PS2 version and a 1-minute (?) demo of the Java one.

This was the version I was born playing, it's decent, the boost stages are easily the highlight, the controls didn't click with me at first, but the gameplay gets pretty satisfying once you get good at them, the level design gives you multiple alternate paths which greatly increase the replay value, not only for improving your time going on the hardest paths and have higher chances to get the S Ranks, but also for exploring each of them and find the hidden items, I really enjoyed playing the day stages, I wish the game had more of them.

Now the Werehog stages... They're not bad, but they're not great either, the combat strategy doesn't change much between doing the same combos over and over again until the enemies dies, with only few exceptions (like for the giant Dark Gaia monsters and THE BEES), the game tries to make Werehog's gameplay more interesting by adding more traditional platforming sections, you can even be creative at certain areas and manage to skip parts of the levels with Werehog's run + double jump, but even so, the platforming is pretty dull most of the time and just boils down to "Hey, grab the flying Dark Gaia creature and slowly go to your destination".

But what really makes this game worse than it could have been is that it doesn't even try to balance the amount of levels for each style, the day levels only have one per continent and are very short (2-4 minutes) with the only exception being Apotos with two boost levels, now the Werehog levels are not only longer (5-8 minutes), but also have at least three per continent, some even having four, or FIVE in the case of Eggmanland, it's absurd.

Something exclusive from the Wii/PS2 versions are the Gaia Gates, they mainly serve to unlock traditional levels/bosses after getting certain keys from the village after talking with the PNGs of the civilians, but they also have extra doors that can be unlocked depending on the amount of Moon and Sun medals you have, inside them, you can switch between the two gameplay styles, if you touch a light, you become the Sonic from the day stages, if you wait a certain time in the dark, you go back to Werehog, the puzzles themselves are not the most amazing thing in the world, but the idea itself of switching between the two styles in the same location is cool, it's a nice distraction from the main game and rewards you with items and extra lives.

Although the review looked mostly negative, I still had fun with the game, the boost levels are great, and Werehog's levels are tolerable, it's just a shame that you're spending 85% of your time playing the weakest play style of the two, even if you count the missions, which surprisingly there are more for the Day levels than for the Night levels.

A very nice brawler to play, I love the fast pace compared to the previous games in the series, it gives you several types of attacks and specials for each of the four characters and it is very satisfying to hit them on enemies, especially with Guy and Haggar who are my two favorite characters to play by far, the game is quite short, which is perfectly fine for the genre it is based on, but it gives you lots of alternative paths and the multiple different characters makes it very replayable, it's a game that I just can't get enough of even after replaying it for so many years.

Controlling and throwing multiple Kirbys at the same time is pretty fun at first and each level is unique while using very well the new gimmick, unfortunately, later on the levels get waaaaaaaaay too long for their own good which makes them quite tiring even with it's amount of creativity, the lack of checkpoints/lives also makes this game a lot more punishing than it should be, and the game only warning you that the final world requires you to get all the Rainbow Medals almost at the end of it was a big slap in the face and made me lose interest in beating it, the gameplay is just too simple to really hold my interest in a game as excessively large as this one.

This game has quite possibly one of the best collections of minigames in the franchise, though, not only they are very varied and fun, but some of them are very complete, like Strato Patrol EOS, which is a small shooter 'em up that includes its own levels and bosses, without mentioning the amount of fan service that goes even far enough to include characters from Kirby Right Back at Ya, the sub-games are the only thing that is really avoiding this game from getting a mid/10.

Expresso learned he's wearing shoes in a 2D platformer and CAN defeat enemies by jumping on their heads, I'm glad for him!

A very strange little game, it is very limited due to the Game Boy, I died more from taking damage and falling out of the camera even though clearly there was ground under me than anything else, but the game itself is fun, the characters controls well and I liked the new levels, I recommend it more to people who absolutely love the DKC trilogy and want a fresh experience.

Played through Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

WOW! For a game I didn't care that much when I first beat it, mostly because of the lack of the slide and the charged shot, Mega Man 9 really surprised me after replaying it, it has a certain level of creativity that is pretty rare to see in the franchise, one of the best selection of weapons in the entire series, a banger OST even for MM standards, great levels, very memorable and fun bosses (except for you, Twin Devil!), and a high difficulty while still being very rewarding and fair to beat... At least most of the time, the game still has some questionable design choices here and there, but not nearly as much as some say, and I only saw 2 troll moments during my entire gameplay, while other games in the series like Mega Man 2 has way more. Overall, I had an amazing time playing Mega Man 9, and it's possibly my new favorite game from the classic series.

I expected to get an at least so bad it's good experience, this was miserable, but I was able to defeat 3 mavericks before giving up, including the LEGENDARY Flame Hyenard.