2 reviews liked by GamemasterSC

I adore this game. Kassandra, who is brilliantly acted by Melissanthi Mahut, is just incredible and one of my favourite AC protagonists. The game offsets its mostly humorous tone with surprisingly deep, emotional moments that let Kassandra really shine. While you can play as Alexios, I wouldn’t recommend it the game is clearly designed with her being the hero, with Alexios being the villain.

Ubisoft’s depiction of Greece is as incredible as ever with their historical detail, interacting with amazing Greek legends such as Pericles, Brasidas and many more. Some even join you more often, such as Socrates and your trusty adviser, Herodotos. The game also features some great boss fights with mythical creatures like the Minotaur and Medusa. Combat is fast-paced and the best out of the three RPG games, with skill trees that let you experience different playstyles, and a loadout feature that allows for much more variety. And I’ve not even mentioned the amazing cultist system.

Loved this game on PS3. Love it even more on pc blasting the settings to 4k ultra 60 fps. This is the poster child of a true definitive FPS title. Does not get much better than this. It also has a solid sandbox vibe considering they let you do fuck around provided you have malaria pills to keep your attacks in check. This is peak ubisoft here in terms of Far cry (3 is still awesome but it is where ubi begins to create that formula they have overused to death in this day and age of ridiculous amounts of collectables/grind and adding rpg mechanics to games that arent suppose to be rpgs). Story is amazing and is similar to spec ops the line in that it shows the horrors of man, war, and why things are never BnW just shades of gray. It does not get much better than this bois. This is also one of the few games to really get me truly anxious as shit especially with the guard patrols.