Mass Effect is a true love letter to Space Opera - with its fantastic score, great character writing and compelling story this is one of the greats in Role Playing Games.

Whilst is not as choice heavy as Fallout New Vegas, it still has an abundance of decisions for you to make. I also feel this is the best of the trilogy, despite Mass Effect 2 being the crowd favourite.

Okay despite it being buggy, I love this game all the same. I've sunk 1000s of hours into this game on PC alone. Before that on PS3 I don't know how many more hundreds of hours I spent on this game.

This really is what a 3d Fallout game should be. No shade on 3 as it is really impressive as well, but New Vegas has compelling factions, a dose of dark humour and awesome characters with great writing. The amount of choice the player has is also incredible.

This game was likely my first serious role playing game. And it really is one of the greatest games, not just one of the greatest star wars games.

In fact I'd say this was the game that made me a Star Wars fan and thus when it was ripped out of Canon I went with it.

From the music, characters and art the game is a marvel of its time. Whilst I played it originally on Xbox I now have it on PC.

This is the only mobile game I play, I started when I first got into Fate which was around when I first got into Anime. I'm a minnow but I've managed some decent rolls for some characters such as Artoria, Astolfo Saber, Arthur, Sigurd, Odysseus and Iskandar.

Surprisingly the story is pretty good, and I've heard it gets even better with Lostbelt.

As it got microtransactions I cannot give it a perfect score, but I do believe this might be one of the best mobile games and if you manage you're quarts well and use the command seals you don't need to pay to win.

This was probably one of the first serious games I ever player, and is likely what made me a gamer throughout the 2000s to 2010s.

From its compelling story, fantastic sound and music and its amazing gameplay this is without a doubt one of the greatest games ever made.