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Now this, this is kino. Trails in the Sky 3rd Chapter to me is just a grand crescendo and a fantastic send off for the Trails in the Sky trilogy. It not only sets up a great deal of stuff for the Crossbell arc and Erebonia Saga (and probably Calvard too) it introduces one of the best JRPG protagonists of all time.

This game also serves as a nice "send off" for everyone in Sky too as this game takes in an epilogue state for most of the big players from the Sky trilogy. I really did enjoy the supernatural aspect this story had going for it as well and was gripped to the very end.

The music in this game is also some of my favorite in the entire series as well. Just pump Overdose on Heavenly Bliss right into my veins. The music goes a long way in setting up such a fantastic atmosphere that I just can't get enough of it.

Overall Trails in the Sky 3rd is definitely one of my favorite games in this series, but the gameplay style change may not be for everyone. But it was a nice reprieve for me going from Sky into Crossbell.