Not much to play with on this one, but the content they did add was great. I particularly love the Inventor episode. "Here's a bunch of garbage that is situational at best. Make a build!" is such a fun concept that I'm honestly surprised the base game didn't use it as a challenge

I respect it. I think it does a good job of continuously introducing new mechanics, most of which can be understood without needing tutorials. The puzzles, especially early on, lend themselves to a mentality of looking at your available moves and plotting out the route to the end before you take the first one. This is not only fun, but it's also faster than the alternative of trial and error-ing your way through the holes. However, this gets increasingly more difficult the further you get in the game, when you start dealing with larger courses with more moves, and have to do an increasingly large amount of mental math to consider things like wall bounces, conveyor belts, pushes, not to mention how hard it can be to track which things are lined up when there are elevation changes/gaps between pillars. That is to say, in my experience the game is designed as if it expects a lot of mental work from players with few resources to actually make this doable. The game would've greatly benefited from an optional grid and a Layton-esque notes overlay. Still, I think it's pretty fun if you want to kill a few hours.