While buggy and underbaked in a lot of areas, there will always be something special about the first generation of Pokémon games.

The move pool for a lot of Pokémon are limited - Charizard doesn't get a fire move besides 'Ember' until the TM Blain gives you. Physic Pokémon don't really have a counter and the game feels slow.

But, the off model sprites and the overall clunkiness is just charming. These are GameBoy games after all. This pushed the hardware to it's knees. The bugs are also fun as Hell to exploit and make each playthrough feel fun and exciting.

The game is just simple and fun - It tries really hard and that's something that just feels lacking in modern Pokémon. It's darker than the rest of the franchise, takes risks, it's just special.

Incredibly simple and incredibly easy minigames. It'll kill a n hour or two before you put it down and leave it there.

Despite being playable on the same system as Red, Blue and Yellow; The second generation of Pokémon games improves the buggy, slow issues of the first. Making it almost seem like this game was on superior hardware. Everything is far smoother. The battle mechanics, the type balance, everything has been polished to run smoother with so many added quality of life improvements. This game also has way more side quests and more interesting ways to complete the Pokedex. Filling out the Dex is actually really fair and fun. A balance you really don't see too often even in the newest installments of this franchise. Headbutting trees, the Bug Contest, friendship evolutions and the many secret 1% Pokemon makes this Dex more difficult, but more rewarding to fill out than gen one - Even if it means some of these 'Mons won't make it to your team. For a GameBoy game, Gold/Silver pushes the hardware to provide a really rewarding experience. This game isn't without it's various flaws, however. The level up curve is nonexistent. Some 'Mons match your leveling, some will be way under and other's will be 10+ levels higher even if you battled every trainer on every route up to that point. Meaning at points this game will be incredibly easy than in the next section you'll feel like your team is useless. The Kanto region is so easy and so flavorless for the most part. Also, with the lack of route trainers the game has and the very little amount of money they give you, you will be struggling to buy Pokeballs and healing items. I had basically no money left at the Johto Elite Four and struggled to scrounge up money to buy healing items. Getting through Lance's THREE DRAGONITES took me a whole of luck and planning. There is also a severe lack of usable Pokémon at the start and middle of this game. Meaning, you could end up with a rather weak team if you didn't research which Pokémon are worth adding to your line up. I also don't like the day/night cycle and how that can affect which Pokémon are open to you. The lack of evolution stones and the fact they are exclusive to the post game makes your choices even that much slimmer. It's got many issues, but manages to be a really solid attempt to perfect Pokémon early in it's life. Lot of the issues I mentioned I can't really fault on the devs because the hardware this was made for is incredibly shallow and the fact they managed to fit 16 gyms and 2 regions on a GameBoy cart makes this a miracle. It's a really fun early Pokémon game that pretty much does everything Red/Blue/Yellow does, but a 1000x better.

A nice, easy, if not painfully slow, Scooby-Doo that will appease most fans. It's short, it can be slow, but the sprites and music makes it really charming for a Scoob fan like myself. It was fine.

I haven't completed the $30 expansion, but I have a feeling it won't change my mind much. (If it does I'll make sure to update this review)

This is as bare bones Pokémon has been since Leaf Green and Fire Red back on the GameBoy Advanced.

The new Pokémon are pretty fantastic, but besides that, everything is really middle of the road or worst.

The gym leaders are forgettable. Hop is annoying. I like Leon, actually - Even if his design stinks.

Pokémon Camp and Dynamaxing is just a poor man's Amie and Mega Evolutions. Nothing this game does is a stand out. It's just middle of the road.

The environments are really piss poor most of the time. Some cities may have nice designs, but they're nothing more than hallways or plain open spaces. The wild area is kind of plain and ugly.

Even with the Dexit controversy and the clear tight deadline the developers were under, this IS Pokémon. Pokémon is a hard game to make bad or even average.

Collect Pokémon, raise and battle your team of monsters, collect gym badges and defeat the elite four. It's all really solid and fun - Even if it maybe one of the weakest mainline entries in the franchise's history,

A frustratingly satisfying and challenging adventure that just maybe the strangest and most out there Mario platformer yet. It might be bogged down by poor controls and bad momentum, but this extremely short romp through the fascinating and creative Sarasaland and the introduction to fan favorite Princess Daisy makes this a worth while play.