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Pizza Tower absolutely rules. It's almost too much at times; the visceral speeds that you can reach make the levels impossible to read.

By holding down one button, you break out into a run. Run for long enough, and you begin to charge, defeating any enemies in your way. Charge for long enough, and your speed begins to increase further and further.

Keep the momentum going by diving off a ledge to reach the ground faster. Not fast enough? Cancel the dive into a ground slam that can maintain your speed if you land on a slope. Scale walls by jumping onto them or starting from a slope, or charge up a super jump to convert your speed upwards. Guess what, you can cancel that into a dash too!

Your movement abilities are absurd, with many aspects to learn and master. It's no wonder that the most exciting parts of Pizza Tower are the ends of it's stages. After combing the level for secrets and getting acquainted to it's unique mechanics, you have one goal. Get out as soon as possible.

Your heart rate rises, the music starts kicking in. Enemies start spawning in waves but it doesn't matter, you're too focused on making sure you don't run into a wall or pit to care.

Those levels by the way? Great as well. The best feature unique mechanics that encourage said forward momentum. There are a few gimmicks that cause a little bit of stopping and starting, but if anything the slightly slower pace can be a relief.

The game absolutely knows how absurd the movement is too. Beyond a first playthrough, even beyond collecting all of the secrets, the game challenges you to push your skill even further.

I'm super happy this turned out the way it did. I'm going to be playing it for a good while longer.