I guess this is a beat-em-up? I think the closest thing to compare this to would be the 1984 "Ninja Warriors" arcade game, where you're meant to slowly move to the right and methodically attack or dodge the oncoming enemies. It's not inherently terrible, just boring. Some of the spawn points are really irritating too.

A complete overhaul in design, Super Mario Land 2 is much more streamlined and slower paced than the original title, which makes it more welcoming overall. And it's good! Not amazing, as it doesn't do anything too interesting with its stages nor bosses. I guess the coin bank system is cool, something they wouldn't really tackle again until New Super Mario Bros. 2 on 3DS.

I love how giant and stupid Wario is too, this being his first appearance. The game also does a good job giving the illusion that this is a large, sprawling game with its map design.

Fucks me up that Dead Rising 4 served as the bookend of Capcom's dark age.

Bitbaboon can take a bite outta my ass. Can't get the high score because it's programmed like shit and likes to drop my inputs.

It's cute. But it's kinda one of those things where you realize you don't enjoy this mechanic very much if it lasts more than like 30 seconds. But the fact that this game alone has more charm than the inventory menu in the RE4remake is nothing short of embarrassing.

Blazing with aesthetics, but flailing in most other aspects, Killer Is Dead feels, at worst, like shallow imitation to the Suda51 nuance I was starting to understand around the time this game was new. It is definitely more stylish and unique than the rest of his 360/PS3 escapades, but still lacking in a sense of structure and depth.

The story itself feels meandering, and even nonsensical at times. The hack-n-slash gameplay feels pretty damn good, but the pacing is miserable, most especially with where it puts its numerous "slow-walking" narrative scenarios. Also, playing this on PS3 was lousy with screen-tears and a shit framerate. I don't believe the 360 version was much better, but holy fuck does its awful performance do a huge disservice to its awesome artistry.

Gigolo missions are also shit, no wonder Suda51 was trying to make moves to take his shit back.

Same as the console version, except holy shit at least it runs better. And the text edit to make it run a smooth 60 makes the game play the way it probably should've from the beginning. That earns this version one whole extra star.

Same stuff as Arkham City, just with all the DLC and stuff. I believe they sold it for like $50, so not bad for people that bought a Wii U at launch, and have already played Arkham Asylum (though including it would've been super cool).

But covering Catwoman's cleavage? BIG MISTAKE. Nintendo didn't give a fuck about censorship allegations.

We as people used to eat boiled potatoes with no salt for dinner. We used to wave a stick around while running through grass and decide this is a day's worth of entertainment.

The absolute simplicity on display here makes it almost mind-boggling to think how this Bomberman franchise is still alive and well with new games being released to this day.

Such a cool-ass game with nice, little details that give it a survival horror feel. I love how you have to check your ammo manually, rather than it just being on the HUD. I love how it can be really creepy and daunting, even without any enemies present. Doing actual crime-scene work that was (probably) realistic was a neat mechanic too, using all the gadgets was so cool.

Going through this horribly run-down part of town and exploring these abandoned buildings riddled with hobos trying to kill you was so enthralling, I couldn't get enough back in the day!

You won't catch me DEAD playing this shit in the daylight, or any other time of the day.

The rhythm gaming action is virtually identical to the first game, but received some welcome changes, such as 2-player co-op and the ability to turn off that stupid-ass "freestyle" mode from all the songs . . . well, except for any song made for the first game.

Speaking of which, like its sister Rock Band, Dance Central 2 allows you to export the setlist from the original game into this, expanding any returning player's library effortlessly! Good shit. idk what else to say, there's sort of a story mode and it's dumb, but the characters are cool and this shit is just fun.

We learned a lot about touchpads and rearpads today, didn't we?

Mario what-y? Literally WHO Party?! Wario Ware Inc: Mega PARTY Game$ is the real fucking shit. Just as bizarre as the original Wario Ware, this is a quasi-remake/remaster/port/sequel to the original Gameboy Advance game. I love all the goofy new cutscenes and the hectic nature, much like the first-game but cranked up! But the real meat and potatoes come from the multiplayer, which showcases new mini-games centered around 4 player madness, and has this delectible selection of playstyles that range from relaxing and fun to intense and stress-inducing.

It was hard to pull cousins and siblings in with this when we had the likes of Smash Bros. Melee or Mario Tennis on the table, but every once in a while I managed to get them into seeing just how bonkers, ridiculous, and fun Wario Ware Inc. on the Gamecube was! I fucking adore this game.

Uncharted 1 almost makes me dizzy. It feels like a mobius strip of a game where I'm just repeating sequences of jumping through a jungle cliff area, shooting guys, going through a temple area, shooting guys, and then jumping through another jungle cliff area, shooting guys. It's mind-breaking thinking this was made by the same studio behind the Jak quadrilogy. Uncharted 1 was a black hole for creativity.