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While still a pretty good game, Perseus mandate is kind of a mess: it's what happens when F.E.A.R. meets Call of Duty and doubles every enemy's health pool. The amount of medkits scattered around the world is absolutely comical, and emblematic of the focus on action that this expansion went for.

Some areas look absolutely horrible while others look great. Why? Because the good looking ones are just recycled from the far superior Extraction point, and played in reverse.

The new elite commando enemies are just plain irritating: invariably met in pairs or more, and entirely too often, they constantly hop around, throw explosives and wall turrets at you, hit for half your health and, most of all, soak up more damage than a heavy armor. They are encounters designed solely around the use of slow-mo, which is pretty much how you're supposed to play the entirety of Perseus Mandate anyway: the minute shooting starts, hit the easy mode button and reap the spoils. If not, prepare for a tough, tough slog.

It's not a horrid campaign, only lazy and kind of missing the point of what makes F.E.A.R. great.