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I honestly don't know if I can give this a star rating. Beneath a Steel Sky is one of my absolute favorite games of all time, I love it. I was really excited to play Beyond a Steel Sky, in fact I was AMPED! I was so happy to see my favorite characters return and explore the world of BASS in a whole new light.

I really enjoyed playing this game, and I was fully prepared to give this a good rating, maybe a 4/5 even. But after that ending.... I honestly just don't know what to think. Joey was my absolute favorite character, I loved him so much and the game(s) would NOT be the same without him. He's charming, funny and cute. His ending seemed extremely unnecessary and honestly kind of ruined the rest of the game for me. The fact that the game ends with Foster walking off with two characters we've spent absolutely no time getting to know, two characters we've been given zero reason to care about, while he just sorta steps over Other Joey's body... I dunno man. I need a minute.

I cried during a Twitch stream for the very first time because of this game!

Unintentionally hilarious. Really showed me what police officers have to deal with on a daily basis (self-imposed corruption, bikers parking legally in front of an establishment, old men selling cocaine to children, etc etc)

One of the rare instances where a "reboot" is just as good as the original source material. Tesla Effect manages to maintain the charm and style of the original Tex Murphy games while also updating gameplay to suit the modern era. It's very difficult to capture the specific style of a 90's FMV game, and Tesla Effect manages with ease. Every minute of the game was obviously crafted with love by the original team and fans, and it is evident. Puzzles can be tough to work out, but it comes with the genre, and the game features a hint system to help you out. So it is nowhere near as punishing as an actual 1990's style point-and-click adventure.

I highly recommend Tesla Effect to any retro adventure game fan, or anyone trying to get into the genre. I'd suggest playing the other three FMV Tex Murphy games first, but you could probably get away with starting with this one if you really wanted to. All in all an extremely satisfying ending to one of the most underrated, charming retro game series. I only wish I had discovered Tex Murphy much, much sooner.