12 reviews liked by GiveJakeSpace

This game just released so I'm a bit biased, a very good start foundation for a FPS. If they continue to update and fix the game it'll be like what old COD was.

Very fun strategy game, and extremely content-dense with all the different disease types and scenarios. I've killed trillions and am still not tired of it.

As I get older and finish more games from my backlog, more and more I appreciate a tidy handful of hours telling a streamlined story. It feels great to feasibly finish a game in one sitting and have a whole experience, and Firewatch provides exactly that. While you do have player choice that ultimately doesn't change the story, I like how the choices color your emotional experience with the main character without interfering with the A-plot. Having all of the interactivity of the game be completely diegetic was a fantastic design choice that helps you feel immersed in the world at all times. Pulling a map out in front of you and unfolding it while listening to the conversation on your walkie feels like you're really out there.

4.5 stars for modded zombies on PC

Won the treble with Luton Town. Peak gaming.

I'm now a trained racist and alcoholic.

Fun with friends, miserable without.

1 list liked by GiveJakeSpace