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Time Played

7h 45m

Platforms Played


Among the Gameboy Advance Castlevanias, this is by far the best game for me. I think the level design is absolutely great, I never got lost because I always knew exactly where I was stuck and why. Finally, there weren't a million keys or other items that were necessary to progress, just good, reasonable barriers that you could easily find again later. The boss fights were really tough compared to the previous game, but not unfair - there were a few fights that were a bit over the top, but on the whole I was very entertained. I thought the little hub area at the beginning of the castle was super cute and cool. I just love having a sort of "home" in video games where you can go back and talk to the NPCs at any time. I even liked the story and it had a few good ideas. All in all, a really convincing and great Metroidvania.