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Time Played

50h 0m

Platforms Played


My first Tony Hawks game and to this day one of my favorite games in the series, which I still pick up from time to time. I have to admit that as a nerdy young boy, I had very little contact with the skater scene. Like for so many fellow gamer kids from that era, the skater subculture was just a bit too cool for me back then. So it was all the more surprising to me how much I enjoyed not only the game itself, but also the whole skater vibe around it. I had an incredibly good time playing Tony Hawks. I have to emphasize that I played exclusively with a mouse and keyboard back then...how I managed to achieve anything in that game without a gamepad is beyond me today.

Overall, I'd just like to say that Tony Hawks 2 will always have a special place in my heart. Yes, there were later installments in the series that I enjoyed more, but this is where my love for these games began.