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Gonasun_Zan played XDefiant
Throwback to the old, more arcadey online shooters. A mostly casual experience with a great sense of progression and rewards. Ruined however, by its very uninspired movement mechanics, clearly directed towards younger audiences who need ridiculously fast and forgiving movement. Game is already being taken over by 15-year old bunny hopping honey boo boos, and unfortunately, this enabled meta is already sucking any enjoyment out of the game. I think it's safe to say E-sports has ruined casual gaming. To adapt to this fast gameplay, I recognize that I need to lose the feeling of enjoyment in exchange for endurance and competitiveness. A great game in its early steps that needs to flesh out its movement mechanics and to decide at which audience this game is directed towards. In my honest opinion, we have one too many of these first person shooters where the constant spamming of spacebars and quick-scoping is just overstaying its welcome to where the gameplay becomes nothing but that. I hope XDefiant can find a different direction. A direction where it relies more on tactical gameplay and planning rather than boiling down to a question of "who can move like the wind and dodge bullets the fastest". But then again, this is just one man's opinion and nothing more.

5 days ago

Gonasun_Zan is now playing XDefiant

5 days ago

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