Bringing the OST from the anime was a really great decision. Cutscenes consisting of straight up scenes from the anime? Eh, not so much. It feels lazy. Combat is extremely dull and very uninteresting. With that being said, the cell shaded aesthetic and overall audio design along with all of the original voice actors, it feels really charming. A love letter to the fans of the anime; even if it's a love letter, with ugly handwriting on it. I can still appreciate it! Exploring the world and wandering around is a lot of fun. Walking around the Hidden Leaf village is really mesmerizing, especially for its time. What's most mind boggling and upsetting though, is the fact that this hasn't been re-released on any system out of the X360! Like come on, the Ultimate Ninja Storm series feels absolutely soulless in comparison to this. But then again, that game is more focused on the fighting! But that's another review for another time. Despite my score, I think the game is truly worth experiencing, IF you're a Naruto fan. Despite its evident flaws, it continues to be one of my favourite games ever made.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2023
