It is very pretty, it has fantastic music, and I would like to bury my face in Lightning's alluring armpits; but it's fairly average besides that. The level design is excessively linear and the story is nothing special, the combat system is engaging and was expanded and improved in the sequels. Lightning also has a navel piercing and I would like to lick every square inch of her sweaty tummy.

© 2023 GoonerSteve

Very messy, yet enjoyable campaign, a unique combat system that attempts to weave together melee and firearms together with a fun movement system, and many beautiful women.

© 2023 GoonerSteve

Not quite my preference for the first game but you can't really go wrong with any version of the 2004 Ninja Gaiden. In comparison to Black, it adds in some areas, subtracts in others, and has some very odd changes made seemingly at random (for example, berserkers in Sigma can easily be countered to death, making solo encounters easier; however, berserkers are far more aggressive off screen than in Black, making group fights with them more difficult). Overall, it's still a great game. Its changes from Black result in a preference for one over the other, but either game is worth playing, so don't feel bad about picking up whatever is most accessible to you. Rachel is very hot.

© 2023 GoonerSteve

Way too difficult, it's even harder than me when I see Leifang!

© 2023 GoonerSteve