One that comes alive on a speed run.

Even though I missed its 2 hour timer by seconds, it was exhilarating and plays to the movement in the gameplay. I recommend trying that at least once.

I didn’t particularly enjoy otherwise, straying (no pun intended) from the main path in some areas is frustrating with a lack of a map and signposting not the strongest. But all of this is negated when trying to barrel through the game and it becomes a fun ride.

Dripping with some of the most potent ‘just one more round’ energy I’ve seen in quite some time.

Found myself grinding in this with little rewards being offered by the game systems… other than the pure joy of finding new tactics to use between ever weirder hero combinations.

Easy to pick up compared to Firaxis’ Xcom titles and yet offers modest challenges in some encounters. You can paint yourself into a corner in one or two battles but never jeopardise your overall game. These become joyful puzzles to solve, not roulette spins of 50/50 shots to take.

Writing is hit and miss but when it gets it right, truly delightful throwback to 90’s Marvel that seems to have been washed away post MCU. Fans of that era well served with their chats amongst the Abbey’s characters, the dlc characters become some of the best.

Game breaking bug not long after the quite lengthy unskippable tutorial - searching Reddit it’s been a known issue for at least four months in the PS5 version. So, so, so wanted to like this. Aliens, strategic combat and the dire situations that creates, the recipe is here for something great.

Feels pretty authentic to the license and a sturdy, if quite generic game underneath. Just needs a bug hunt so I can have a stand up fight. Will happily revise upwards if these issues get met.

Three stars maybe on the harsh side but for a remaster of a decade old game I would hope the sound jank was worked on… it ain’t.

Vaguely interesting story, boring man character though, fantastic combat with truly cinematic moments and then appalling driving sections. So, in short, is adventurous, takes risks - especially for its day - but swings and misses. But I can see why for some it is their favourite game, it just doesn’t hang together for me and became a chore by the end. As it was on 360 a decade ago. But the charm is there for those that can see past these issues so I don’t begrudge the high esteem this game is held in by many.

Remedy went onto make a game I truly love in Control but this one isn’t for me.

Genuinely surprising and enjoyable game.

Probably could power through this in a couple of hours with it’s very quick 5 or so minute rounds if you’re focused. But actually recommend doing what I did and play a couple rounds a night to wind down. Very straightforward but engrossing game with plenty to soak in via environmental - pun intended - storytelling.

Had an emotional impact on me I was not expecting but delighted to have given it a go. Fully recommended.

Ever had that head banging, fist pumping feeling? Prepare for a marathon stretch of it here with a smile on your face.

I haven’t ever played a rhythm game before but I love this music - and especially some of the artists they pulled in to work here - and while it was a difficult thing to get my head around at first, once you do it delivers pure adrenaline. Obviously it’s following the Doom 2016 and Eternal formula to an extent and feels very much like you could bundle them together. And that is no bad thing in my book.

Short and sweet too, even if it can be punishingly difficult for a novice like me, but blast through this in a weekend and chase that leaderboard time and again. I will.


Beautiful beyond its eye catching artwork.

I have no particular interest in platformers or puzzlers but was captivated by this one from start to finish. Lovely pace to the game, could easily imagine a determined player getting through it in a sitting. Took me about a week of playing 30 minutes here and there. No frustration to be had, simple and straightforward hand holding through the game makes me think about presenting it to lapse or new gamers. A seeming lack of a fail state to the game helps keep the player engaged.

The art design is gonna be the draw for a lot of people understandably but absolutely delightful soundtrack and great immersive experience through a Dualsense.

Definitely one to spend an afternoon with. Treated this myself as a palate cleanser and absolutely fitted that bill.