20 Reviews liked by Granny7989

A boring, plodding game where the main activity is driving slowly to the next mission on the other side of the city. It's also bug ridden and suffers constant frame rate drops in cutscenes, and contains crackling/distorted audio for some dialogue.
Awful stealth sections and laughably easy melee combat combine to make anything that's not shooting other gangsters a dull chore. The gunplay is from the mid to late 00's school of third person cover shooting. Take cover, pop up, shoot, duck, regenerate health.
I found the story dull and predictable and it ends without a real conclusion. Seems the devs ran out of time and just ended it. I did enjoy the small tie-in to the first Mafia though.
The game was clearly designed to be a GTA clone but something must have happened to reduce the scope. Left behind are signs of open world activities that don't exist (you can buy guns, outfits, and steal cars, but there's no reason to do any of it) and NPC's that seem to be quest givers are introduced then never used again. You can revisit them but they state dumbly at you while you hammer the 'Talk to NPC' button.
Easily the worst remaster of the trilogy but the original game had very shaky foundations to begin with.

EU copy played on a PlayStation 3 Super Slim.

Is this the kind of game people were complaining about a decade ago where they were super linear, 6 hours long and barely had side content? I cant say I didn't enjoy myself but there was too much reliance on the sixaxis feature and altering control schemes to be a solid effort. Felt like I was playing a rougher Hellblade the entire time but I guess wiping out armies by the hundreds in the endgame was kinda fun.

The villains were pretty enjoyable too - Andy Serkis was a joy to watch as the main bad guy and the others were so over the top it just made their scenes entertaining. Although it was a shame they didn't have a woman of Japanese descent play the main character but I guess standards were different back then for that sort of thing.

If you manage to find this for a couple bucks and have a few afternoons to spare it's alright time, just nothign groundbreaking by today's standards but it's at least fairly coherent and executes it's ideas.

Rogue-like turn based tactics game with deck building. Set in a post apocalyptic fantasy setting (just like D&D's Dark Sun campaign world), you will be tasked with exploring a map filled with random encounters and boss fights.
The deck building is interesting and the tactics element is appropriately challenging. You will unlock new classes and cards after each playthrough and there are multiple campaigns to play and explore. It's a very generous package.
That said, the rogue-like nature of the game may turn off some as you can't carry over levels and equipment from previous successful runs. Each scenario begins with characters armed with basic equipment and decks and they need to be built up again.
I believe there's potentially many hours of entertainment here, I only stopped playing as I felt it might take over my life as some kind of endlessly replayable (and enjoyable!) game.

Look, I'm not playing through the epilogue, okay?