Log Status






Time Played

3h 30m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 24, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


While I thought the base game was fine, I did not have a good time with this DLC.

The game gives the player a new melee weapon the use in combat, which has an area of effect attack that allows you to stun and knock-back enemies. However, there were many times when I used the AOE attack and it would not be registered, letting the enemy to continue with their attack and cause damage. Coupled that issue with the new “biobot” enemies, that do a lot of damage, made some combat encounters infuriating; it really highlighted the major weaknesses of the combat system.

The DLC had a few bugs crop up during my playthrough. Aside from the AOE hammer attack not being registered mentioned above, I had an issue where the game wouldn’t start properly, as I was stuck staring at a grey screen. The game also hard crashed on me too, which wasn’t that big of a deal because autosave is fairly frequent. I got the feeling that the DLC didn’t get time to be polished up.

I bought this DLC on a PlayStation Store sale and I don’t think it was worth it considering the lack of enjoyment I got from it. It doesn’t add anything interesting to the story; if anything, the revelation at the end left me rather annoyed.