Luigi's Mansion 3 is bursting with charm and personality that I've come to expect from this series. While the gameplay largely remains the consistent throughout, use your torch to stun ghosts and then suck them up with your vacuum, each level of the hotel has a unique theme and end boss that made me eager to progress to see what the game offered next.

Despite thoroughly enjoying Luigi's Mansion 3, there were a few things that were a let down, which can be summed up as a lack of polish I come to expect from Nintendo. Controlling Luigi can be fiddly at times, especially when trying to reoriente Luigi while charging his torch to stun ghosts with. A couple of the puzzles required me to look up a solution online; I knew what I had to do to solve it but I didn't know what interaction the game was expecting from me. There's a jump in difficulty when it comes to the final two bosses that may catch some people out, after having 15 hours of consistent low challenge.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with Luigi's Mansion 3 and I would recommend to the majority of Switch owners. If you missed out on the excellent Luigi's Mansion 2 on the 3DS, you'll get a very similar experience that those players got with this game.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2022
