Chrono Trigger is one of the most highly lauded JRPGs and for good reason. The game has excellent pacing as it took me only about 23 hours to not only go on a pretty satisfying and tight time spanning adventure but also do a bunch of side content for powerful gear. On top of that the story is tightly written with lots of consideration for even little things like why power up items exist, music that really sticks with you, and enjoyable characters with their own arcs. This is before even getting into Chrono Trigger's gameplay which is in my opinion the best iteration of the ATB system Square has ever done with a fast pace and boss fights in particular requiring various strategies in how you approach them leading to a top tier gameplay experience. Play this game.

This game failed to grab me in any meaningful way which is impressive since I can usually find something decent in a game like this. Unfortunately the story didn't grab me, I didn't like the characters for the most part, and the gameplay is just going through rote motions without factoring in strategy much and the gacha system is abysmal and somehow more unforgiving than real gacha. Slight nods to some of the locations/setting, colors and music but unfortunately that's not enough to do it for me.

Dragon Quest XI S is a stellar JRPG with fantastic characters, story, and gameplay. With a simple yet strategic combat system with a good bit of depth for character customization to reward those who want to experiment with builds. It's an enjoyable experience through and through and I look forward to getting back to it.