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A truly great fan game. Everything you'd want to see in a Mega Man game is here. The bosses and stages are excellently designed, the weapons are well balanced and they all come in handy from time to time. Each stage has a strong sense of identity thanks to its unique mechanics and well crafted graphics - even true of the Wily stages in my opinion.

That's not all that Rock N Roll brings to the table though. The titular Rock N Roll are both playable, and are well balanced to encourage using both. Mega Man has better defense and a charge shot, and Roll has a small double jump. This makes Roll excel at clearing platforming challenges, while Rock is generally better for boss fights. I think Roll has a slight edge personally, but I used both on my playthrough.

The letter collecting mechanic returns from previous entries and rewards exploration/mastery really well, without once feeling cheap - I was able to comfortably find the hidden ones without a walkthrough. The Ally robot masters also reward exploration in a very charming way - I would strongly recommend all players rescue them so they get to experience the extra content before and after rescuing them.

Definitely one of the harder Mega Man games, but it never feels like it's killing the player for fun (cough Mega Man Unlimited cough). That said, if you are having difficulty, I'd recommend looking carefully while playing through Ghost Woman's stage - there's something there that might help you.