play hots with me please i beg you

Pretty sick yet simple fighter, with a fairly unique story and cast of characters for a fighter

When people say this feels like a 2D Tekken, they aren't lying. AoF 3 takes a really interesting turn with how the game plays, focusing on 3D fighter-styled strings and feel which compliments the rotoscoped sprites quite well. Definantly worth a try just to experience how it plays.

If you know, you know. And even for people not in on the joke, its a nice and simple Metroidvainia platformer with a very distinct look, between its water-colored scenery, fun sprite work, and the bizarre but awesome cutscenes. The in-joke is not requirred to know, but it only enlightens the experience for those that do know.

If you're a fan of late 90s/early 2000s fighters and the mechanics that many of them share, this fairly obscure fighter embodies many of those features into one package. Fairly fun characters to mess around with and experiment how all the unique system mechanics work with them.

While not officially supported anymore yet still playable, Awesomenauts is and has been virtually the only 2D Moba in any form of relevance. Despite it not only fulfilling an interesting niche for platformer fans that want to combine the ability usage and team play of Mobas, it also is very aesthetically pleasing with its strong character designs that not only look great, but also are very easy to pick up and play within the game. Fans of Mobas, even now, should give Awesomenauts a shot as it provides its own unique thrill and twist on the genre.

A lil goofy and silly platformer that's best experienced Co-Op. All the movement options you have as a duo give alot of options for equipped players to move throughout levels and experience the classic Behemoth wackiness.

A pretty divisive fighter, simplified for newer players but can cause grievances for more experienced players. A really awesome roster (which was planned to be way bigger) with the inclusion of totally new RWBY characters makes that the best aspect of the game. If you're a fan of any of the fighters outside of the RWBY characters, you're generally better off playing them in their own game due to some of the wackiness of this game.

A almost-purely screw around horde shooter that weridly has a lot of stuff to do beyond the surface. If you wanna shoot zombie pigs alot, you've got that, but for those who want to explore further can complete underground tunnels and even a space mode. The game won't break the bank and as such isn't pushing most boundaries, but fun to mess around with friends or if you want to explore some of its more out-there content.

The greatest love letter to Jet Set Radio I could imagine. Absolutely phenomenal, presentation, design, tone; everything that is aurally-presenting in this game is virtually perfect. The gameplay also makes improvements on Jet Set with different styles of grinding between skates, bikes, and other devices, along with many other design changes that exemplify the experience. Highly recommended for fans of Y2K or skateboarding-like games.

Liked it much more then Clash of Clans due to the targeting command and other options available for the player.

This is the looter-shooter all other looter-shooters want to be. The combinations of all its factors form to make a gameplay loop that really never makes me feel like I need to "grind" to acquire better loot before I progress in quests. Highly-stylized cel-shading gives everything a distinct look and interesting characters help enlighten the experience. Very-much recommended for any shooter fan to play through atleast once.