1 review liked by GrindsetRN

This is probably the only non-Live Action media that just gets how to capture the atmophere that the reality brings to your senses and thanks to Covid this feeling of familiarity further enhances the experience in the spin-off route. 24th ward feels like the world of its own with how SC pictures the every corner of its environment as identity liberating and eventually captivating, dark, aggressive and fragile, lost in its own ordinary uniqueness given the internet's ever-growing sovereignty, never hyperfocusing on its individuals (excluding the spin-off chapters, naturally) despite maintaining its interpersonal balance with characters' distinct mannerism communicated through the virtually zero exposition, completely relying on iconic sprites and avatars that subconscious cement their characteristics to the player's mind and instead shows as how, in seemingly disconnected fashion, the population acts and re-acts on their own and each others' delusions of grandeur as the consequences and the influence of the one great man spreads out and forms the stand-alone complex, while all of it in an indirect fashion build the same concept up as they all are coming together in the climax. That which, I think, is the best way to weave the narrative centered around the detective group, instead of allowing the paragons of virtue to maintain the law by force.

The rest, I am afraid, are spoilers that I do not want to give away as of now.