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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 5, 2022

Platforms Played


Will probably come back to this someday, but after the immensely tedious first twenty hours (spread out across nearly six months, lol) it'll take some doing for it to get back on my good side. Atlus' attempt at more open level design absolutely sucks; not a single Da'at area so far has felt good to either traverse or explore. And the actual map screen is already mildly unhelpful without the abscesses making it borderline unusable. And the combat, so gratifyingly snappy and quick in IV, is outright sluggish here, making even the slightest attempt at grinding into a massive chore. Really, outside the music and the wonderfully written dialogue for the demons, there's very little in this game that I actually like, which is a huge bummer. I preordered the huge collectors edition and everything so it's not like I didn't want to love it. Some friends tell me it gets much better around the thirty hour mark, but I'm so bored and annoyed with it right now that I'm really not willing to give it more benefit of the doubt, at least for the time being.