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Time Played

80h 9m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 13, 2023

Platforms Played


In total, I have written 5 seperate reviews just for each individual add-on or DLC for this game. That's shows how much I love this game. I thought that a shorter review might get the point across just as well however I just couldn't stop writing about this game.

In summary, this game definitely deserves the 98% score it has. The game just oozes creativity and each level is completely different from the last. In fact, many levels are completely different genres from the normal platforming levels that you would normally see. The game is short on it's own which is why I would highly recommend getting the DLC as well. The DLCs are both fantastic in there own ways and the first DLC brings a infuriating but mostly fair challenge that games like Mario could never bring. I still think I like Mario Odyssey better than this but this game is just 100% fun and creative all the way through.

Also while it does say that it is "cute as heck" this game does not treat you like newcomer to gaming. The dialogue is both mature and funny, the platforming is tough and at times things will get very non PG. Boss fights in this game are incredible if not a bit on the easy side. Finally, the full OST is around 10 hours long and is as high quality as AAA soundtracks. It is my third favourite OST of all time - only behind Mario Galaxy and Ori and the Will of the Wisps.

One of my favourite things about this game is that the devs heavily support modding. There is literally a room in the hubworld where you can download and play modded levels, badges or costumes. The modded levels combine the great platforming and controls from A Hat in Time and the randomness of something like Dreams. It gives the game almost infinite replayability as the modding community is really active.

The negatives:
- The camera is great for the most part but like all 3D platformers, it can get a little bit janky
- It's not quite as polished as it could be. There were many bugs and glitches I encountered
- The voice acting is slightly off for some characters

The game is cheaper than AAA even with the DLC and it's just as, if not better than a lot of them. Don't sleep on this game as I did for three years.