Log Status






Time Played

23h 6m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 5, 2024

First played

January 27, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Man I wish this game was finished. This was an unforgiveable broken piece of shit at launch, and it still managed to get insanely good review scores.

Everything here is an improvement over the first game. The story is fantastic, and it doesn't rely on nostalgia as much as I thought it would. Gameplay has marginally improved, and the visuals are stunning (as starwars always is).

If you just want to bang out the main story, there is more than enough content to justify the price. However, the game has so much quality side content. They better adapt that fighting minigame from A New Hope into a free-to-play steam game.

10 months after launch, this game is still broken on PS5. I can't even imagine playing it on PC. It's usually not game breaking (exept for 1 crash and 1 freeze I had), however the constant T-posing and glitches really bring down the experience.

It's hard to give this game a score. On one hand, I shouldn't condemn companies releasing rushed games. On the other hand, this is a masterpiece and a must play for any starwars fan.